Your best option is to remove them surgically. I just had my bilateral (one on each ovary) ovarian dermoid cysts removed 2 weeks ago. My doctor said that it is a fairly common and basic surgery for her to perform. She was very confident about this procedure. Talk to your doctor to have it removed. It is best to remove them now rather than later when it ruptures in your abdomen and requires emergency surgery. Since mine were relatevely large, my doctor did a full belly incision (about 3") on me to remove them to prevent potential complications. The surgery should not complicate your fertility in the future if the doctor knows what he/she is doing and does not damage your ovaries.
Ovarian dermoid cyst, I have heard about it. Is it something like a polycystic disease or what. For polycystic there are medications but not sure of this. You should ask the gynec about it.