On August 14th I went to the ER with a kidney stone , shown by a CT scan . There were the following things also noted from the scan: Nonspecific abdominal varicosities, indeterminate nodules in mesentery , recommend close F/U CT. I have had no more pain since the day following the ER visit, so apparently the stone passed. I saw my family doctor yesterday. He said it was my choice to do the follow up scan in 3 months or go to a general surgeon for his opinion now. Last night I had blood tinged urine twice, but have not had it since today. I do have a little lower abdominal discomfort, but no pain. I see my urologist Monday (9/09) for the results of the x-ray he did on 8/23. What could be the cause of the blood tinged urine and should I be alarmed?