Hospital say I have Hyperthyrodism, but result given to my doctor suggest that I have Hypothyrodism (will need to check with the surgeon soon). I do definately have thyroid problem as I have been diagnosed and do have nodular goitre , one as big as 3.4 cm on left side of neck with its own blood supply and multi small goitres at right side of my neck. I have requested to see the surgeon in six months time rather than wait for a year. After doing a lot of research on the above conditions, I have decided that in the meantime I want to try and shrink the goitres before my next consultation. All supplements that I intend on trying will be discussed with my doctor first. Here is my research, please give me some advice. These are supplements that I intend on buying to correct my thyroid problems: Iodine - I will leave alone at present, too little or too much taken could have detrimental effect could it not ? Vitamin D, Selenium - one ounze of brazil nut or some garlics, Magnesium, B vitamins 2 and 3 (if I am hypothyroid patient). what is your diadnosis?