Hysterectomy is done for many reasons like fibroids, uterine cancer, endometriosis, abnormal excessive vaginal bleeding, uterine prolapse etc.
Hysterectomy is the second most commonly performed surgery for women, next to cesarean section.
Abdominal hysterectomy requires longer healing time than vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy.
The common type of hysterectomy done is the total hysterectomy which involves the removal of uterus and cervix.
After hysterectomy the menstrual periods will stop. Hence it is one of the causes of surgical menopause.
After hysterectomy there is no possibility of you getting pregnant.
There are various health conditions which occur after the surgery due to low levels of estrogen like osteoporosis.
There are more chances of cardiovascular disease in the women who undergo hysterectomy.
With the removal of the uterus other organs like cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes might also be removed.
Hysterectomy does not cause depression.
It does not affect your sexual life.
Even after hysterectomy you need to ask your doctor whether you need pap smear done regularly