The breast consists of number of milk glands which are connected to the nipple by small ducts. This milk producing tissue is supported to the nipple by small ducts. This milk producing tissue is supported by firm fibrous tissue and fatty tissue that gives the breast its shape. The breast first starts to develop at puberty. The size and shape of the breast varies considerable during your lifetime. The size of the breasts is genetically determined.
Women’s breast comes in all shapes and sizes. There is no perfect shape or size for breasts. Normal breasts can be large or small, smooth or lumpy, and light or dark. Truly, female breasts come in all kinds of sizes and shape. Having asymmetrical breast, where one is big than the other is very very common.
The breasts may be two different sizes during development, but usually will look about the same as the time goes. It is quite normal to have some hairs on the breast in some women. Usually nipples will be pointed outwards. In about 10 to 20% of woman the nipple will be pointed inwards, which is called inverted nipples. This is quite normal. Keep the nipples clean to prevent infection.
Persons who have big breasts are more prone to Diabetes.
Breast development and function depend on the hormones estrogen and progesterone which are produced by ovaries.
There are various cosmetic surgeries like breast lifting, breast reduction etc which can increase or decrease the size of breasts.
Breast sizes increase during pregnancy and during puberty. It shrinks in size during menopause, after breastfeeding. During menstrual cycle the breasts swell and become tender and painful. It also increases in size in woman taking oral contraceptives.
Sagging or drooping of the breasts is natural, inevitable procedure process that happens to all women at some point. It is called breast involution. It can occur at any age, because the breast does not contain muscles. It mainly occurs after weaning or right after pregnancy if you are not breast feeding. It also occurs during menopause, when losing weight.
The enlargement of male neat is called gynecomastia and is due to increase in the female hormones in their bodies.
You can do self examination of breast by palpating with flat hand to know if there are any lumps and swellings.