Status Epilepsy is considered a medical emergency because of prolonged seizure the body struggles to circulate oxygen efficiently. When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen and, over a long period of time, this can lead to brain damage.
It can lead to death although it is very rare. The management of status epilepsy is clear and known at most medical centres. Death or brain damage from status seizures is most likely to result from:
Since the status epilepsy is most common in extremes of age groups that is the children and the old age, a prompt intervention is required.
Call an ambulance whenever the person has seizure for more than 5 minutes.
If you know the person has seizure for the first time.
One seizure after another without person regaining consciousness.
The person is injured during the seizure attack.
The treatment instituted by the medical team includes air way patency, respirations with IV fluid administration. An immediate diazepam medication is given via the intravenous catheter. Later after the seizures appear to subside the doctor shall try to find the cause.