Age of Child | Most Attain | Some Attain | Few Attain |
01 Month | - Lifts head up
- Turns to sound
- Recognize some sounds, including parents voices
- Stares at faces
| - Follows moving
- Objects with eyes
- Make cooing sounds
| - Smiles
- Laughs
- Holds head up a little
02 Month | - Makes gurgling and cooing sounds
- Follows moving objects with eyes
- Holds head up for some time
| - Smiles and Laughs
- Smoother movements
| - Keeps head steady
- Bears weight on legs
03 Month | - Laughs
- Keeps head steady
- Recognizes mother's face
| - Squeals and makes cooing sounds
- Recognizes mother's voice
| - Listens and turns toward loud sounds
- Can bring hands together
- May try to reach out to a toy Rolls over
04 Month | - Keeps head up and steady
- Can bear weight on legs
- Responds to your talk
| - Can grasp a toy
- Reaches out to grab objects
- Rolls over
| - Imitates sounds and speech made by you such as papa, mama etc
05 Month | - Differentiates between bright colors
- Rolls over
- Plays with own hands and feet
| - Turns to look at the source of new sounds
- Recognizes new sounds
- Responds to own name
| - Can sit without support for a few seconds
- Puts objects into mouth
- Recognizes new people
06 Month | - Turns to look at the source of sounds and voices
- Imitates sounds
- Rolls in both directions
| - Picks up objects and puts them into mouth
- Sits without support
| - May start crawling
- Starts trying to make sounds
- Tries to pull objects
07 Month | - Sits without support -Makes sweeping
- motion to reach for things
- Talks incoherently
| - Combines syllables to form word like sounds
- Crawls
| - Stands with support
- Waves to say ta-ta
- Bangs objects to produce sounds
08 Month | - Uses 'mama' or 'dada' to parents, not to the right parent
- Crawls
- Passes toys from hand to hand
| - Stands with support
- Crawls with ease
- Points at objects
| - Pulls self to standing position with support of walls or furniture
- 'Pincer grasp' can pick up a grape with thumb and finger
09 Month | - Combines syllables to form word like sounds
- Stands with support
| - 'Pincer grasp' can pick up a grape with thumb and finger
- Tries to walk with support of walls or furniture
- Bangs objects together
| - Plays infant games
- Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right parent
10 Month | - Waves to say goodbye
- Picks things up using ‘pincer grasp’
- Crawling mastered
- Babbles
| - Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right parent
- Responds to own name
- Expresses himself using gestures
| - Stands alone without support for a couple of seconds
- Puts objects into &takes them out of a container
11 Month | - Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right parent
- Plays infant games with small rhymes
- Stands alone without support for a couple of seconds
| - Imitates what others are doing
- Puts objects in a container and pull them out
- Understands simple sentences and instructions
| - Expresses using gestures
- Takes a few steps
- Stoops while standing
12 Month | - Imitates what others are doing
- Expresses using gestures
- Takes a few steps
| - Understands simple talk and responds
- Stoops while standing
| - Scribbles with crayon
- Masters walking