Acne At Age Fifty, Prescribed Retin A Cream, No Change In Diet, Weight Or Stress Level. Why Am I Getting Acne Now?
Regarding acne while most cases of acne occur at younger ages, sometimes changes occur in the skin involving oil production and natural moisture which may lead an older patient to develop symptoms. In addition, stress and dietary changes can play a role. Also, hormonal influences cannot be ignored including testosterone levels.
If the Retin-A cream is not preferable you could consider taking an antibiotic on a daily basis. Sometimes this will lead to a good degree of improvement. You might discuss this option with your doctor. For daily cleansing consider the Neutrogena line of daily cleansing products which tend to be effective and mild.
Otherwise the Retin-A is generally well tolerated and as long as you are not in the sun for prolonged periods it would work well also.
Thanks again for the query. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga