Can A Nineteen-year-old Boy Increase Height Up To Three Inches?
Most persons reach their final height by the late teens though in rare cases some persons may continue growing into the early twenties.Your skeletal height is determined by the lenght and structure of our bones.
Our final height is influenced by genetic and enviromental factors. In terms of genetics , the heights of our parents plays the major role in our final height.
Enviromentally, factors such as adequate rest, limitation of alcohol, exercise, use of good diet, recurrent illnesses, certain medications can all affect the final height attained.
In terms of stretching, yoga and pilates, though exercises are not likely to increase your structural height they may help with standing taller which adds a few inches for some people. Yoga and pilates may strengthen core muscles to help you stand taller.
I hope this information helps you, feel free to ask any other questions
Also I wanted to ask that are there any supplements available to increase few inches of height.
My height is 5foot6inches<168cm>, I just want to increase my height by 2 to 3 inches, my fathers height is 5foot 71/2inches<172>cm, please give me few tips to increase 2 to 3 inch of height.
Also I want to know that is Grow taller 4 iditos helpfull in increasing height.
As stated earlier though it may not be possible to add any structural increase in height, it is possible to stand in a way that may a few inches.
The main exercise programs that are thought to assist in stretching would be pilates and yoga which normally involve alot of stretching exercises, in addition pilates involves alot of exercises that are designed to strengthen our core (abdomen).This increase in core strength may alot you to stand taller (they will not increase the length of your bones , just allow you to stand straighter).
An adult is said to need at least 7 to 9 hours of rest daily.
In terms of diet: include foods with calcium and vitamin D (low fat milk and cheese) XXXXXXX vegetables and nuts are also good sources of calcium.Replace carbohydrates with proteins such as fish, eggs, meat and legumes.
Eat vitamin XXXXXXX food such as vegetables, fruits, almonds and peanuts.
Avoid carbonated drinks, excess salt, sugar and fat.
There are no supplements that specifically increase height.
I hope this information helps you, feel free to ask any other questions
I also want to know that is whey protein helpful in reducing weight and getting muscles?
Weight reduction is more effective with changes in diet than with exercise, it would changes in just a few things persons eat or drink to make up 500 calories while that amount of calories equals hrs of exercise.
To lose weight you need to alter you intake of food or liquids to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories ( to lose one pound a week) or 1000 cal ( to lose 2 pnds a wk). If you drink sodas or juices you can try elimating or reducing them because they are usually at least 100-200 calories.
When you eat your meals, increase the portion of vegetables because these contain litte calories, will full you, and increase the time period that you will need to go and eat again. Reduce the portion of carbohydrates with your meal (rice, bread, pastries, pasta, potato, biscuits).
Use alot of water, some persons trying to lose weight drink a glass of water before meals to reduce intake.
Try not to skip meals , when you skip meals , you tend to overeat later.
Monitor everything that you eat or drink, get a note book and keep tract, it will allow you greater control and allow you to see that even the little things that we munch on count as calories in our bodies
Use fruits or vegetables as snacks because again they are low in calories- remember your aim is to reduce your calorie intake by 500 to 1000.
There are also internet weight loss websites that can assist in your weight loss, alot of them are very effective.
The effectiveness of whey protein in adding muscle strength is debatable, some medical studies have shown some benefit, while others have shown no effect. It may or may not work for you, the evidence is unclear.
In terms of the abdomen- pilates tends to increase abdominal strength, you can also try other abdominal exercise programs. You can join a gym if you are unsure how to do them on your own or purchase a DVD set to do at home.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask anything else
Yes abdominal exercises would reduce the fat in that area and increase muscle tone. Any exercises that target a particular muscle group ( such as arm curls for biceps ) would reduce fat and improve tone.
You should do both cardio exercises, which would assist in improving heart health and general fitness, and strength training exercises such as ab exercises and lifting weights.
Feel free to ask anything else