Can Hepatitis Infection Be Contracted Through Casual Contact?
Actually last year i resigned from job to prepare for higher studies and since then i am having a fair bit of health anxieties. I am 28 years old and i was fairly healthy all my life since these worries started. I am having recurrent mouth ulcers also since that time and has also developed some tingling sensation on the left side of the head which comes when i try to think too much.
In my five years of job life, i was quite healthy and i have never had these worries all my life until now. So since last month i realized these worries are taking over my life and enough is enough. I can never realize the dreams of my life if i let these worries dominate my life.
But still i am having a little bit of anxiety and thought it is better to resolve my worries from an expert and let go of all this for once and for all so that i can give 100% focus on my preparation.
So coming to the point, i request you to answer to my points below with sufficient details.
1) Is it possible for blood borne infections primarily hepatitis to spread through common normal day to day activities? I am not talking about high risk behaviors ie injection drug sharing, unprotected sexual relationships.
2)What are the odds? Have you ever seen or heard of such a case?
3) what is your advice on my current situation? Are these worries totally paranoid or unworthwhile as it doesn't let me focus on my studies?
4) Another worry: I was having recurrent mouth ulcer since last year and i think these are stress related. I got checked out by doctors, took b12 injections, but still no relief. I then had another fear my mouth ulcers might get infected by these viruses. Is this worry also paranoid. Is there any recorded evidence of infection of blood borne viruses through mouth ulcers (other than oral sex). Please advise.
Please offer your expert advice on the above points. I also expect some brotherly suggestions from you on how to handle these worries. I want them to disappear from my life. Fyi i don't have any sexual history.
Regarding transmission of hepatitis and aphthous ulcer
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I am dr. kakkar (MD). I have gone through your query and I have noted your concern.
Hepatitis B is only contracted through either sexual contact (vaginal or anal sex) Or blood transfusion or needle stick injury. Hepatitis C is primarily an infection associated with transfusion of blood and blood products and needle stick injury in healthcare professionals and injecting drug users. It is impossible to get these infections through skin to skin contact or sharing utensils, clothings etc with an infected person. There have never been any reports of transmission outside of these well known routes.
I am sure you must have read a lot about hepatitis B and C and perhaps you already know the answer regarding the mode of infection but still you are looking for an assurance. So, I am here to assure you that you need not fear about contracting hepatitis due to casual contact.
Perhaps you have recurrent aphthous ulcers which can be due vitamin or nutrient deficiency or sensitivity to certain foods like tomatoes etc or perhaps due to sensitivity to a particular toothpaste (I find a lot of my patients of aphthous ulcers from a particular toothpaste for sensitive teeth). I suggest you to use an antiseptic mouth wash daily, 2-3 times, after meals. Try changing your toothpaste. In addition I suggest you to take a Cap of Becosule-Z once daily for 1 months. Topically, for the ulcers you may use either Hexidine gel or Kenacort oral paste, after mouthwash.
Thank you very much for writing such a wonderfully detailed answer.
To inform you that for the whole last year, I was engrossed in all these worries. My problem was that I went about the risks in different websites, but was not able to make an informed risk assessment & I tended to worry a lot assuming the worst case scenario. Your advice has greatly reassured me.
I have now decided to rid my life of these worries and nonsense. I now realize that It is not worthwhile to worry about the transmission of hepatitis b and c and blood borne viruses in common normal day to day life activities as this occurrence risk will be non-existent . I realize continued worry will do harm to my body in the form of stress & anxiety problems (already I am having mouth ulcers and head pressure symptoms since last year; I was otherwise perfectly healthy until now.) I also will not be able to devote my 100% focus to my goals in life.
So, weighing all these, I have decided to exclude these worries from my life forever and live a life from now onwards like a sane, healthy, normal person would do. I understand that basic hand hygiene would protect me against all these germs and a little bit of exposure to germs now and then will actually benefit my immunity. Overall I need not make any allowance in life for these viral infections in my day to day activities.
Sorry for the long narrative again, but I need to be free of all these worries to achieve my life goals. I think you got the whole picture now about what is going on in my mind. To confirm yet again, I want your expert opinion on below two points:
1) Do you agree that the risk is non-existent in normal day to day life activities apart from high risk behaviour’s namely injection equipment sharing and unprotected sex?
2) To sum up, I request you to offer your advice on this regard and also to point out anything that you would like to suggest.
Regarding mouth ulcers, I got the medicines and applying. But antiseptic mouth wash I used before and quit, because it dried out my mouth.
Your words of advice would be greatly appreciated. I admit this post is a bit anxiety driven, but I won’t trouble you anymore sir. Thank you from the core of my heart.
Regarding transmission of hepatitis and Oral aphthae
Detailed Answer:
yes you got it right. The risk of hepatitis B& C is non existent apart from well known routes like unprotected sex, injection drug use, needle stick injury or blood transfusion.
For oral ulcers you may use betadine mouth wash. It non drying and antiseptic. Also use either hexidine gel or kenacort oral paste, twice daily on individual ulcers. I would also suggest a month of Becosule Z capsules.