Can Women Take Androanagen For Hair Loss?
Androgenetic Alopecia
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
Constituents of Androanagen are herbs, vitamins and minerals and is usually prescribed for hair loss.
In your case, I would keep a possibility of Female Pattern Androgenetic Alopecia, as the cause of your hair fall and decreased hair density. Androgenetic alopecia presents as widened part-width and decreased hair density from the vertex and crown of the scalp.
Oral antiandrogens like finasteride, cyperoterone acetate, spironolactone, OCP's, Saw palmetto extract(in Androanagen tablets) have a definite role in Female Pattern Androgenetic Alopecia. Although, they should not be used in females of reproductive age group OR Pregnancy, as they can cause feminization of male fetuses, however at your age (43 years) antiandrogens (Androangen included) are logically appropriate to prescribe. Saw palmetto is a herb and herbs are usually not backed by enough research to prove their efficacy and side effects.
Hope I addressed your concerns. Let me know if you have more doubts.
Detailed Answer:
Finasteride 1mg daily is my first choice, personally.