Child Has Headache And Leg Pain, Fever, Blotchy Red Spots Inside Throat, Itchy Red Rash On Soles, Taken Tylenol, Antihistamine And Calamine Lotion. What Can I Do?
As this started with high fever, it is like some kind of infection most likely viral as it is associated with rash. Often strept bacteria too does present like similar rash and throat lesions. Tylenol takes down fever only temporarily.
I recommend to ensure adequate feeding and water intake along with getting a strept test done for throat swab. If the rash is too itchy at times it may be allergic rash of hives/urticaria. ( as there are many types of rashes, without seeing the rash/pic, its not easier to come to a conclusion of rash).
If the strept test is positive, she may need antibiotic for 10 days. please get her examined/tested. if the fever lasts 2 days or more blood tests may be needed.
i hope this answers your query. please get back to me if any further issues.
Thank you.