Child Having Cold, Cough And Ear Pain. Noticed Smelly Stuff Coming From Ear. What Should Be Done?
I am Dr Ravinder Sharma ENT surgeon
On the basis of the information provided it appears that your kid had viral throat. The function of this tube is to equalise the air pressure on both sides of ear drum. Viral URI can cause blockade of the this tube thus causing pain in ear due to retraction of ear drum (due to negative air pressure secondary to tubal blockade). It may even lead to the infection of the ear causing pus formation in ear (if it converts into bacterial infection).
Another reason of the this could be otitis externa (infection of the external ear canal).
To get on to the right diagnosis it is advisable to consult a ENT surgeon. Examination of ear under microscope for suction of the debris in ear canal and examination of tympanic membrane will be required
I hope this answers your concerns.
Feel free to contact me if you require more information about it
with regards
Ravinder Sharma