Delayed Periods After Taking Birth Control Pills, Pregnancy Test Negative
Age - 25, married (pregnancy test was negative when checked before taking tablet), ht-5ft2'', wt-59Kgs
Thanks for writing to us.
After stopping the artificial Progesterone tablets(sysron-N), normally the bleeding starts after 48 hours from the last dose taken. You should expect your periods to begin on 5th- 6th of September.
A dosage schedule of twice daily dose only for three days is slightly on a lower side. It should be taken for at least five days for complete effect. Now you have to wait till 10th September and if still there is no bleeding then you might have to repeat the full course of Synthetic Progesterone or take oral pills for a full month after ruling out pregnancy again.
You also need to consult your Gynecologist to find out the cause of such a delay in the periods as it might happen due to Hypothyroidism, Post Pill Amennorhea, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or less frequently a pituitary tumor causing high prolactin levels or a Hypothalamic disease.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.