Diagnosed With Diabetes And Suffering From Constipation. Is Istamet50, Mignar 25 And Tonact 25 Right Medicine?
Thanks for the query.
From what I understand you are newly detected to have diabetes and taking 3 oral antidiabetic drugs Istamet (sitagliptin and metformin) and mignar (miglitol) along with Tonact for lipid abnormality.
My comments are as follows:
1. The drugs you are on are alright; but though you are on three antidiabetes pills, your fasting blood sugars are still not in desirable levels.
- Please let me know if you are overweight and sedentary worker.
- Also do you smoke and/or drink alcohol?
2. I feel along with the above medications a long acting or premixed insulin at night along with dinner can be started to optimize the fasting sugar levels.
3. Please take care of your diet. You need 25 k cal/kg body weight along with regular exercises.
4. To check control of sugar in past, please get glycosylated hemoglobin (Hba1c) done to know status of diabetic control every 3 months.
Hope this suffices. Awaiting your reply / follow up query and I will be happy to answer that.
Best Regards
Thanks for your reply.
After going through your history, I have following suggestions:
1) Yes, you should start exercise may be with walking for 30 min and then you can gradually increase it and start brisk walking or jogging.
2) Please quit smoking as it is a major risk factor.
3) If it is possible to stop alcohol also it would be great, but at least moderate the use of alcohol.
4) Take dinner a little early so that you can have a walk before you go to sleep.
Please repeat blood sugar level after 2 weeks and then see your Physician to adjust dose of drugs or to start Insulin.
I wish you good luck to achieve your goal. I have answered your query; please rate my answer. If you have any query, you are most welcome to ask.
Best of regards.