Diagnosed With Flecked Retinal Syndrome. Suffering From Night Blind, Blind Spots, Bad Eye-hand Coordination. Treatment?
You need not repeat tests
Detailed Answer:
Retinitis pigmentosa which is a chronic degenerative condition has no specific treatment. We follow up patients to assess the progress of condition and treat any accompanying conditions like macuolopathy. New methods of treatment like transplantation of retinal cells or microchips are still under trial. Therefore if you are planning to visit a new doctor, I don't think they will need to repeat all the battery of test done till date. However they will need to follow you up regularly (as per his/her protocols) and order test that are minimal and simple like visual fields, Electroretinogram and Ocular coherence tomography whenever needed.
I would have loved to help you further with reference, however as I practice far away in India, I wouldn’t not be the right choice to do that. Nevertheless, you can choose a retinal specialist from the list of associated centres. He/she can evaluate your current eye functions and if his expertise is limited can refer you to the XXXXXXX experts.
Hope I solved your concern. Let me know if you need further assistance, I would be glad to help you within my expertise.
Good luck!!