Diagnosed With Pericarditis. Having Chest Pain, Migraine And Night Sweats. Cause And Cure?
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Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. It is less likely that they have caused the past pancreas inflammation or the present pericardial inflammation. Steroids suppress inflammation.
Drugs used in ulcerative colitis at times have been implicated as causing pericarditis. You may have to consider their role in causing this and also the question of holding them... Discuss with your Gastro-enterologist – he will know better.
Still, it is wiser to investigate usual causes like infection and inflammation, like any other case.
Prednisolone is the ideal choice to treat in these circumstances / you are already taking.
It takes about two weeks for it to settle down.
You should be under the care of a cardiologist for observation to watch for effusion.
A multi-speciality team work in tertiary care hospital may be the best approach.
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck