Does H.pylori Infection Cause Stomach Cancer?
there is associated risk
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
H pylori is a common bacteria. It is actually present in a large proportion (approx 50%) of the population though not all persons may experience the effect of the bacteria.
The WHO recently released a report suggesting that treatment of H pylori would reduce the incidence of stomach cancer.
According to the report, treatment reduces the population incidence of cancer by 30 to 40%.
The exact percentage risk of change to cancer is not known but this change occurs only if the H pylori is associated with persistent change in lining of the stomach.
At present there are 11 major medical studies being conducted throughout the world in an attempt to come up with figures and exact risk.
Eventually if h pylori is untreated it can change the cells in the stomach to precancerous or cancerous cells.
Treatment is successful however, the use of the 2 antibiotics and other medication can eliminate it 85 to 90% of persons
Summary: there is a risk of cancer is untreated but exact percentage risk not known at this time
Once you have been treated , likely cured of bacteria
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions