Does Bone Pain On Left Humerus Indicate Bone Cancer?
No worries, general check up. rare and very rare for this to be Cancer,
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I do not think you need to be worried of bone cancer at this point in time. It is reassuring if you do not have any Vitamin deficiency and osteoporosis.
It should be very rare in case this case for you to be suffering from bone cancer. Bone cancer generally starts in the far younger age group. In older adults, bone cancer usually spreads from another area before attacking the bones. In this case even, the main symptom is usually very severe bone pain, a generally aggravation or worsening of the general out look of the person and abnormal blood tests, especially with regards to calcium. Bone cancer is generally associated with high Calcium levels in blood and an enzyme called alkaline phoshatase.
I do not think you should be thinking or getting worried pf bone cancer now. It is a very very rare possibility.
Have you had a cancer anywhere before? If not, no worries.
It is important instead to think of more common conditions that can present itself as such. This is rheumatoid arthritis. Do you have any family history of rheumatoid arthritis? It is important to note if you experience only bone pain or any muscle or joint pains? Also important to note if you feel some morning stiffness which gets better with your day or not?
I think rheumatoid arthritis should be checked for using the normal blood tests for markers of inflammation and checking for the rheumatoid factor. Family history of joint or bone disease is also important.
Simple X rays and testing for erythrocyte sedimentation rate and ions in blood, with a complete physical exam could be sufficient to be sure.
It is not rare that when one does certain activities for some time, assumes particular postures with strain on a particular bone or muscle or bone, this kind of pain be experienced. In case this has been going on for quite a long time, is stable or is getting worse, you should be book an appointment and see your doctor.
But I honestly think it is good to suspect a bone cancer. However, it is really very very rare for this to be a bone cancer in your case.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health.
Dr Bain
No worries, common phenomenon seen, reassuring blood test results
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the update,
I would love to start with your WBC level which is within normal limits. The most important thing is however the differential count (various constituent cells).
The Red Blood Cell count at 4.63 million/microlitre is normal. It is reassuring that your red blood cell count and Calcium levels are within normal levels.
It is not rare to have isolated raised Alkaline phosphatase levels, without any real pathologies. With age and especially amongst females, this is not rare to have this raised alkaline phosphatase levels. It is reassuring since your blood calcium levels are also normal. It might be of interest to check for liver and kidney function. Your generally practitioner can request checking for serum creatinine and liver function tests. In case you have run these tests already and they are normal, you need not be worried.
isolated raised alkaline phosphatase level is a common phenomenon seen in clinical medicine, In becomes concerning when it is associated with other anomalies like changes in blood calcium, kidney and liver function tests.
I really think you need not be worried.
Thanks and kind regards. please, feel free asking further questions in case of need.
Kind regards,
DR Bain