Does Kidney Stone Cause Blood In Urine?
The x-ray may miss some of them
Detailed Answer:
the passage of kidney stones may injure the ureters and cause some bleeding. Most of the stones are visible on X-ray. Some of them are invisible though (like uric acid stones).
The computed tomography (CT) should be able to detect every stone provided it is bigger than 3-5mm so that it couldn't hide between two slices of the CT.
If the stones are smaller than that then it is possible to avoid detection.
Whether they'll bleed eventually or not, has nothing to do with their visibility.
I hope I've shed some light into the subject of kidney stones.
If you need clarifications on the above, please ask and I'll be glad to provide them for you.
If not, please rate my answer and close the discussion.
Kind Regards!
Please upload scanned results
Detailed Answer:
if you were having less urine than normal because of a renal stone for so long then your renal function should have deteriorated. Your creatinine and urea should be higher than normal and abnormal findings are expected on the radiological tests too.
Stomach pain has nothing to do with the kidney stones. There are some cases of kidney disease (not renal stones) that may be accompanied by stomach pain.
It would be very helpful if you uploaded all blood, urine and radiological tests you did (the reports from CT and ultrasound).
I'll be waiting for the results.
Kind Regards!
Please use website 'help'
Detailed Answer:
I'm afraid I cannot provide such directions in detail.
There is a link to attach pictures, so if you've scanned copies of the tests you can upload them directly on this website. If you don't have access to a scanner then a good quality photo would suffice.
If you still have questions about the procedure please consult the website helpdesk, who will be able to assist you.
I'll be waiting for the tests.
Kind Regards!
No attachments!
Detailed Answer:
Hi again,
something went wrong...
I can't see any attachments.
Please consult the helpdesk or just type the results of the tests along with the lab's normal ranges. I know this is hard and I would prefer the actual report but getting the result is what matters.
Alternatively you can upload them anywhere (there a lot of websites offering free picture uploading) and just send me the link or also you can mail them to YYYY@YYYY directing to me.
UA protein negative UA XXXXXXX negative
UA glucose Negative UA squam Epithelial 7/hpf normal0-4/hpf
UA Urobilinogen 1.0 UA Blood, 3+
UA appear cloudy UA PH. 8.0 normal-5.0-9.0
UA Spec Grav 1.016 normal range- 1.000-1.032
UA Leuk Est. negative UA Bacteria none seen
UA Ketones negative UA RBC, 5/hpf normal 0-2/hpf
UA WBC none seen/hpf normal range 0-3/hpf eGFR-NAA, >60ml/min/1.73m2
UA Nitrite negative eGFR-AA >60ml/min/1.73m2
UA color yellow
Neutro Auto, 58% normal 47%-80%
Total Protein 7.4gm/dl normal- 6.4-8.2gm/dl
Potassium 4.8mmol/L normal- 3.5-5.1mmol/L
Chloride 108mmol/L normal 98-107mmol/L
Eos Auto 3%
CO2 26.0 normal - 21.0-32.0mmol/L
Result:10.1 fL
Normal: 9.4 fL - 12.4 fL
Result:37.5 %
Normal: 37.0 % - 47.0 %
Mono Auto
Result:9 %
Abs Eos
Result:0.2 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL - 0.9 x10(3)/mcL
Result:3.80 gm/dL
Normal: 2.40 gm/dL - 3.50 gm/dL
Lymph Auto
Result:30 %
Normal: 13 % - 40 %
Abs Neutro
Result:4.68 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 2.10 x10(3)/mcL - 9.20 x10(3)/mcL
Result:8.1 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 4.5 x10(3)/mcL - 11.5 x10(3)/mcL
Result:11.9 gm/dL
Normal: 12.0 gm/dL - 16.0 gm/dL
Result:137 mmol/L
Normal: 136 mmol/L - 145 mmol/L
Result:224 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 130 x10(3)/mcL - 400 x10(3)/mcL
Result:16 unit/L
Normal: 15 unit/L - 37 unit/L
Bili Direct
Result:0.00 mg/dL
Normal: 0.00 mg/dL - 0.50 mg/dL
Alk Phos
Result:96 unit/L
Normal: 38 unit/L - 126 unit/L
Result:120 unit/L
Normal: 73 unit/L - 393 unit/L
Result:3.91 x10(6)/mcL
Normal: 4.20 x10(6)/mcL - 5.40 x10(6)/mcL
Result:77 mg/dL
Normal: 74 mg/dL - 106 mg/dL
Result:95.9 fL
Normal: 80.0 fL - 94.0 fL
Result:46 unit/L
Normal: 25 unit/L - 115 unit/L
Bili Total
Result:0.2 mg/dL
Normal: 0.2 mg/dL - 1.0 mg/dL
Abs Mono
Result:0.7 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 0.1 x10(3)/mcL - 1.3 x10(3)/mcL
Result:32 unit/L
Normal: 12 unit/L - 78 unit/L
A/G Ratio
Result:0.9 ratio
Normal: 1.1 ratio - 2.0 ratio
Abs Lymph
Result:2.4 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 0.6 x10(3)/mcL - 4.6 x10(3)/mcL
Abs Baso
Result:0.0 x10(3)/mcL
Normal: 0.0 x10(3)/mcL - 0.2 x10(3)/mcL
Result:3.60 gm/dL
Normal: 3.40 gm/dL - 5.00 gm/dL
Result:9.0 mg/dL
Normal: 7.0 mg/dL - 18.0 mg/dL
Bili Indirect
Result:0.20 mg/dL
Normal: 0.00 mg/dL - 0.80 mg/dL
Result:8.5 mg/dL
Normal: 8.5 mg/dL - 10.1 mg/dL
Result:14.4 %
Normal: 11.5 % - 17.0 %
Result:31.7 gm/dL
Normal: 33.0 gm/dL - 36.0 gm/dL
Result:30.4 pg
Normal: 27.0 pg - 31.0 pg
Result:0.86 mg/dL
Normal: 0.60 mg/dL - 1.30 mg/dL
Thank you so much for your patience and time!
The tests are OK
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
and thank you for providing the details. It must have been a torture to copy all those numbers!
I've checked your results and the only abnormal value is the blood in your urine. I also noticed the 7/hpf epithelial cells which usually is a sign of a bad specimen. Sometimes urine drifts cells and substances that were not really in the bladder. Then a new specimen is required for a better assessment of the situation.
In your case I would advice for a repeat urinalysis to check whether blood is present or not. If the blood is still there then you'll need a more detailed urological evaluation. When blood is present and we have no certain diagnosis we have to rule out cancer, which would be unlikely for your age.
The second test I would ask for, would be an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Ultrasound scans may detect stones and other obstacles to normal urine flow and can even roughly assess the functional state of the kidneys.
If the test are OK then I would advice for a repeat testing six months later, just to be sure, unless a certain diagnosis has already been reached by then.
I'm sure everything will be fine!
I wish you the best for your health.
Kind Regards!
The ultrasound will probably give the answer
Detailed Answer:
I'm sorry to read that you're still bothered by this pain. If you're having pain then this is the best time to do the ultrasound scan. If there's a stone obstructing the ureter then the radiologist will be able to identify the signs. Doing the same test when not in pain will not provide the same clues to the radiologist.
So my opinion is that you should do what I told you in my previous answer. Repeat the urine test, do the ultrasound scan (preferably when you feel pain) and I'll only add a creatinine and urea assay because of the prolonged duration of the symptoms.
I hope you get over it soon!
If you need further guidance, please let me know.
Kind Regards!
Thank you for asking!
Detailed Answer:
I really hope I've helped you.
Kidney related pain can be a big trouble.
If you don't have further questions, please don't forget to rate the answers!
Best wishes for your health problem!