Had Cervical Neck Surgery. Experiencing Pain And Numbness In Shoulder And Arms. Recommend?
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
First 3 fingers numbness with arm and shoulder pain are most likely caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Due to compression of the medial nerve in the wrist, the pain and numbness appears in the medial nerve area (which is exactly first 3 fingers). The pain radiates along the arm to the shoulder.
Please try a simple test. Flex your wrist gently as much as possible and hold it in such position for 60 seconds. If the pain and numbness appears, carpal tunnel syndrome it is.
Other possible reason is a spine problem especially that you have had a surgery in this area.
I suggest you to visit neurologist, have wrist ultrasound and EMG first. If it wont diagnose this syndrome, spine MRI should be next.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.