Had Dengue Fever. Platelets Dropped Down. Will This Infection Leave The Antigen In My Body?
It is understandable to be concerned.
There are different dengue viruses, you stated that you were infected with the serotype 1. There are four serotypes and infection with one results in immunity to that particular serotype and short term immunity to the others.
This means that you are immune to dengue serotype 1 but not the other 3 unless you were previously infected with one of those.
A person may have dengue fever simply or dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue hemorrrhagic fever can occur more commonly in persons with previous history of dengue but it is associated with a very low mortality rate once it is identified and treated (the mortality if treated is 2 to 5%).In dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) there is bleeding and leakage of fluid from the inside to the outside of the blood vessels.
The symptoms start off similar to dengue fever ( fever, muscle aches and pains, eye pain, rash). In DHF there would resolution then reappearance of the fever, pain in the abdomen, restlessness, drowsiness, vomiting, bleeding.
If you feel as though you are experiencing a second episode of dengue , then you would need to have your blood count and platelets monitored every day for any changes. You also need to watch for any of the symptoms described above.
Once you and your doctor are vigilant, you should be perfectly fine.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
DEET is highly effective and would practically eliminate the possibility of a bite.
If DHF is diagnosed by your doctor, you need to be in hospital because it would be associated with a XXXXXXX decline in your platelets and other blood indices. You would not able to receive enough fluids orally and would require iv fluids. It is very important to be in a hospital if DHF is diagnosed.
Please feel free to ask any other questions
pls advice me how to prevent getting infected with dengue again in lifetime ?, also i have heard guava juice and papaya leaf juice increase platlets count effectively , if that true? , also i want to ask that last i got my platlet count checked was 2,83,000 and i know some people around me have platlet count soo high 4,00,000 so what is reason basically for this?
The only way not to become infected is not to be bitten by the mosquito that transmits the virus. This may involve ensuring that there are no open containers with water where you work or live that mosquitos may use as breeding grounds, use of window screens to prevent them from entering your house, use of a mosquito net when sleeping and the use of a repellant.
Red and white guava is thought to increase the platelet count though more medical studies would need to be done to confirm this, papaya leaf juice is also thought to increase the count but again medical studies need to done to confirm.
You can ask anything else