Had Myomectomy For Lower Back Pain. Removed Fibroids. Periods Stopped, Awful Hot Flashes And Headaches. Lupron Triggered Into Menopause?
I think the Lupron has possibly triggered me into menopause?
My lower back pain is excruciating!! Please help!
Chiropractor? Osteopath? something else?? What do to?
My back pain is worse, now 2 months after the surgery. I'm also experiencing some cramping.
Thanks for posting on XXXXXXX
If you are experiencing lower back pain some months after a major surgery then it needs to be investigated further. The possibility of you developing a pelvic infection or UTI (kidney or ureteral stone) or arthritis after is elevated. Your doctor or gynobs will need to evaluate you and run some tests notably CBC, urinalysis, pelvic scan, X-ray of lower back etc. The cause needs to be identified as soon as possible (reason why I suggest you see a doctor ASAP). You need to start taking pain killers associated to antispasmodic or muscle relaxants medications so as to alleviate you from the pain. If the cause, is infection, then antibiotics needs to be initiated along side the pain killers.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any further questions.
Dr. Nsah
Thank you so much for your reply!
I went to the chiropractor last Tuesday and today, as I have not been able to sleep from the pain. I made an appointment with an osteopath for next Friday.
Thanks to your advice, I will see my family doctor and see if she can do the tests you recommended, as my gynocologist is overbooked and it may take time to see him.
Thanks again, XXXXXXX
You are welcome and I am glad to have been able to assist you in my own little way. Feel free to write back if you have any other questions.
Dr. Nsah