Had Shoulder And Neck Injury. Feeling Burning In Back, Arms And Shoulders. MRI Done. What Does The Report Say?
MRI of cervical spine last week showed these results: Mild degenerative disease at C5-6. Mild right foraminal stenosis at C5-6 due to uncoarthrosis. I can not use my arms at all without feeling like I'm blacking out. I can't turn my head to the right or look up or down without feeling like I'm blacking out. I can't lift anything. I can't swing my arms, or lift them without feeling like I'm blacking out, or getting a falling sensation. Inner ear test have been performed, and are negative, but I can't see a neurosurgeon until november. Could this above MRI result of last week, indicate a change, and possible explanation of my symptoms?
Thanks for posting your query.
Your MRI cervical spine definitely shows progressive degenerative changes, but all your symptoms can not be correlated to cervical spine pathology. It can be partly contributing factor, but not all the symptoms are due to the cervical spine abnormality.
There could be possibility of musculoskeletal injury of paraspinal and shoulder muscles. You need to be thoroughly examined clinically to come to a conclusion. Further necessary investigations can be ordered after clinical examination like dynamic x-ray of cervical spine to check the instability, Carotid-vertebral Doppler (CV Doppler) to check the pattern of blood supply to brain and radiological investigation of shoulder and back muscles to rule out injury.
Please get yourself examined as early as possible. Discuss with your current doctor if you can be able to get an appointment earlier. Till then, you can try local physiotherapy and analgesic for pain relief.
I hope, this answers your query. I will be available for follow up query if any.