Have Dark Scaly Spots On Chin, Hairloss On Chin And Scalp, Itcing In Genital Region. Herpes?
Thanks for your query to XXXXXXX and sorry for the delay in answering.
Herpes occuring on chin area is very unlikely as herbes labialis occurs near nose and lips and is associated with vesicles which are painful or have a burning sensation.
Also alopecia of the type mentioned by you - Alopecia Areata where hairloss occurs in round patches at various sites is an autoimmune disease with no association with herpes.
Herpes is a viral infection.
Itching in genital area is mostly of fungal origin- Jock Itch and hence is an all together different condition.
Scaling on face can occur in fungal infection- tinea facei, can result from sun allergy, contact irritant dermatitis etc.
So all the symptoms mentioned by you are vastly in different direction suggesting that you must get an extensive examination in person with a dermatologist to solve and cure your problem
Dr.Rohit Batra