Have Headache, Swollen Lymph Node In Neck And Bleeding Nose. Should I Consult A Doctor?
Thank you for your query.
1. You should seek immediate medical attention as these symptoms point to an active infection or inflammation which has causes multiple nodes to enlarge. In addition you have ear ache, headache and a nose bleed.
2. Use an ice pack and pinch your nose till the bleeding stops. If it does not stop, or if it continues into your throat, go to a hospital ER immediately. Is your nose bleed minimal or heavy? Is it from one side or both?
3. There are many reasons for such symptoms and until some doctor examines your ears, nose, throat and neck, it will not be possible to locate the exact cause.
4. You may be given medications after the nose bleed is controlled, sometimes with a nasal pack. A full clinical examination, palpation of the neck, a sonography (USG) neck, a Chest X-ray and an FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) of one of the swollen lymph nodes (if they do not subside with medication) may be needed later.
1 must emphasize that at your age, there is no unusual cause expected.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.