Having Bump On Tonsil. Creating Pain While Swallowing. Having Ear Ache, Dryness And Irritation. Should Consider A Tonsillectomy?
I have a recurring bump in the same location on my left tonsil. It flares up every few weeks in the last 6 months creating pain while swallowing, ear aches, dryness and irritation. I usually treat with salt water and lozenges and the pain subsides after a week or so, but the bump or cyst returns. I have also experienced tonsilloths however, this bump or cyst is not white it is red with a yellow hint below the redness and pokes out almost far enough to touch the uluva. It is very painful and I am concern about papillomas, cancer, Epiglottic cyst etc. and also wondering if I should consider a tonsillectomy.
I must confess I have not consulted my doctor, as I try to tough it out but given its reoccurrence and the same location and symptoms my concerns have escalated.
Please advise - thanks in advance. XXXXXXX
Thank you for your query.
1. This recurrent lump is probably a lymphoid tissue, a blocked tonsillar crypt or a minor salivary gland cyst. Papillomas and cancers would not regress intermittently.
2. An excisional biopsy (since the lesion is small) with a histopath examination (HPE) would be ideal, however, the tonsil is known to bleed profusely with the slightest injury. That is why some doctors recommend a tonsillectomy (which is traditionally then done on both sides).
3. Newer options are Radio-frequency ablation and Co-ablation. If you have no problem with the tonsils otherwise, these are better options.
4. Cancer and papillomas can be conclusively ruled out on tissue examination. A close-up attached image would have helped.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.
I have attached a picture
Thanks so much - you are a good person to provide this type of service - it takes heart!
Thank you for writing back.
1. Yes, you should get an examination done by an ENT Surgeon. Antibiotics may cause an infected swelling to subside for some time, however you have a recurrent swelling and without treatment this may continue to happen.
2. You may try for a local excision if it fails to respond to medication or is still recurrent. The new techniques mentioned above are also recommended. If the biopsy is not favourable, the last resort is a tonsillectomy.
3. Benign masses should not recur after removal.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.