Having Chronic Suprapubic Pain. Feeling Bloating And Pain In Abdomen. Should I Go For Laparoscopy?
I am sorry to hear that you have been suffering with this for over a year.
You mention that you have undergone a lot of tests. I am assuming that
you have had blood tests as well along with sonogram and CT_scan of
the abdomen and pelvis. You mention bloating and abdominal pain.
Has there been a change in your bowel habits ? Either constipation or
diarrhea ? Have you been losing weight ? The spinal problem seems to
be a separate issue. I also assume that you have had a good check up
of your urinary bladder by a urologist .I am sure your gynecologist has
given you a thorough check up as well.
If all of these have been addressed , laporoscopic examination may be
helpful. If you have had prior pelvic or abdominal surgeries , adhesions
(Scar tissue) could be giving you problems.
Hope I have given enough for you to discuss with your doctor.
Wish you well.