Having Headache. X-ray, CT Scan, Blood Sugar, Urine Tests Done. Grenil, Vesograin Taken. How To Get Relief?
We have already consulted with eye specialist, neurologist, ENT specialist, Gynaecologist and general physician. No problem is being detected till today. X-ray, CT scan, Blood sugar, urine and other all reports are normal.
Earlier the frequency of headache was two months after. Gradually it is increased means time gapping is reduced up two days. Severity of headache is not aloes same, sometime it is much more and some time less.
Doctors are given the following tablets frequently, Grenil, Vesograin, Suminat 50 etc.
Please give us some suggestion to get relief from the headache to her.
Thanking you
G khanra.
Thanks for posting your query.
It is good that CT head has come out normal as it has ruled out any serious neurological cause. In your wife’s case, it looks like a primary headache like migraine or cluster headache. Your wife is already taking antimigraine therapy (Suminat, Grenil, Vesograin).
Migraine may present with headache for more than seventy-two hours and is often associated with vomiting, dizziness and visual problems. It is often spread on half the head from forehead till the back of the head.
Custer headaches are sharp headaches which some people feel as boring or drilling in the eye and are characterized by painful attacks over a period of many weeks. The pain of a cluster headache peaks in about 5 minutes and may last for hours. Then they may repeat after a few months.
For such headaches, your wife should try these lifestylke modifications:
1) Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. Do not skip any meals and since the headaches worsen after eating food with white flour, avoid taking it in diet.
2) Exercise regularly (daily if possible) and limit stress through regular exercise and relaxation techniques. Yoga and meditation will also help.
3) Avoid bright or flashing lights and wear sunglasses if sunlight is a trigger.
4) Identify and avoid foods that trigger headaches by keeping a headache and food diary.
5) Limit caffeine consumption to less than two caffeine-containing beverages a day.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.