Having Muscle Spasms Under Ankle In Foot. Feeling Cold In That Area. Took Ibuprofen And Going For Water Aerobics. Advise?
Tendonitis, sprain, injury
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
Thanks for your query.
I would like to start by saying I am very proud of the way you have kept yourself fit, kudos!
Ma'am, as you have mentioned a spasm like pain, based on the location and the fact that you actively participate in aerobics, the following conditions are possible:
-Tendonitis: Due to overuse or constant strain tendons can get inflamed, which can lead to a presentation similar to yours
-Sprain: Due to various positions or postures we can at times injure the ankle and sprain it resulting in ligament injury. The pain you are experiencing can also be related to that
-Injury or possible fracture: This can only be considered if you have had any serious injury to the foot, which I am guessing can be ruled out as you have not mentioned the same in the history
I would advise a physical examination by a doctor and an x-ray of the foot, but your doctor might also ask for a bone scan and or CT scan of the foot.
I hope this information helps ma'am. Do not strain your foot, do not put weight on it, continue the application of cold and warm compresses (alternatively). Do write back to me for any further help.
Best wishes.