Having Pain In Rib Cage, Acid Reflux And Anxiety Attacks. EKG Normal. On Prilosec 20 Mg. What To Do?
Thanks for sharing your concerns here,
After going through all information you have given, basically you have
1) Atypical Chest pain which seems to be non cardiac.
2) Hyper acidity with some dyspepsia and Reflux of acid in food pipe.
3) Some anxiety and Panic.
Please continue to take acid suppressing drugs as prescribed to you which will help to keep acidity level low. Take small meals and less oily and spicy food, If possible raise head end of bed by 10 to 12 centimeters. Please avoid use of too much Ibuprofen instead you can use Paracetamol for pain which causes less acid problem.
You can go for check up where Complete blood count, Thyroid function test, kidney function test along with a Echocardiography , Tread mill Test and upper G I endoscopy ,if required, may be planned in consultation with your treating Physician.
As far as your anxiety and panic are concerned, you should relax and take up some yoga and meditation. It will help, but if problem is severe enough, then a short course of anti anxiety drugs after consultation may be the answer.
I do not see any role of rheumatologist right now, but if it is necessary it may be taken up later on. This information should help you. If you have any further query, I will be available to answer that.
Thanks for the follow up.
Your pain could be a somatization of your anxiety and hence investigation like X-ray is normal.
If your symptoms are better with anti anxiety drug, there are many other options are there. Your doctor can choose what is best for you. Even use of anti depressant can help to improve such symptoms.
Adrenaline rush feeling may occur once a while when you feel anger.
You can see Rheumatologist and get RA factor, Uric acid level to rule out ant pathology.
Have faith, you will improve with anti anxiety and anti depressant medicines. It may take some time before you notice improvement.
Please avoid over use of analgesic to prevent any toxicity from analgesic to kidneys.
Please keep me informed about progress.
Good luck