Hot Spots On Feet, Feels Like A Burn, Not Red, Coming And Going
anything but feels hot inside my foot. They just come and go.
Thanks for posing your query.
Considering the symptoms you have provided it seems that you are most probably suffering from a neuropathy ie a burning sensation felt in feet due to disordered sensory impulses .
Another possibility is that of a peripheral vascular insufficiency which can cause decreased blood supply to the feet and hence pain and burning or tingling .
Since you have history of blood pressure and thyroid disorder , in which both neuropathy and vascular complications can occur it makes it very important to get yourself evaluated by your doctor.
The doctor after thorough physical examination and tests like ultrasound and biothesiometry can confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate management. Treatment will depend on the cause for eg multivitamin ( esp B complex ) for nutritional deficiency related neuropathy or vasodilator drugs for vascular problem.
So don't worry as the situation at present is not much worrisome but definitely warrants further investigation.
Hope I have answered your query.
I'll be available for any follow up queries.