How Can Muscle Cramps Be Avoided?
Muscle cramps are due to Electrolyet issues
Detailed Answer:
Hi XXXX, thanks for coming to HealthCareMagic. Muscle cramps are caused when the muscles affected are havng trouble regulating the content of charged ions in their cells. Our muscles use charged ions like Sodium, Potassium and Calcium to contract. The concentrations of these ions is very important and has to be maintained in a delicate balance and the muscles have to be well hydrated to help maintain that balance.
So the most common causes of muscle cramps are: (in order of likelihood)
1) Dehydration
2) Lack of electrolytes
3) Hormonal imbalances - like Hypothyroidism (The Thyroid hormones help maintain electrolyte balances in muscles)
4) Kidney diseases - The kidneys help maintain electrolyte levels and hydration throughout the body.
The first 2 causes are by far the most common. Drinking plenty of water and having healthy amounts of fruits and vegetables will prevent them.
3 and 4 can be tested for with blood work.
So those are the most common causes of muscle cramps. If you have any specific issues, will be happy to discuss with you.