How Is Wet Brain Diagnosed?
detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I read carefully your query and understand your concern.
Wet Brain is a name used for Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome , which is a specific brain damage due to thiamine deficiency.This is a serious consequence of chronic alcoholism and occur due to malnutrition.
In early stages, the syndrome can be partially reversed through treatment with large doses of thiamine.
Diagnosis is based mainly on the history and physical examination.
In this syndrome the aim is that once it is suspected the treatment should be started immediately to prevent further damage.
Lab tests and imaging studies are done mostly to exclude other neurological disease that can cause similar symptoms like Wet brain.
Symptoms of Wet brain include:
- visual disturbances ( double vision ,strabismus )
-gait abnormalities (Inability to stand or walk without assistance)
-Mental status changes (Apathy, indifference, paucity of speech ,Hallucination, agitation
-Memory problems
This patients also have very specific neurological signs in physical examination.
So this means that when someone with a history of chronic alcoholism experience some of above symptoms ,the doctor should suspect Wet brain and start the treatment with Thyamine.
Hope it helps.
Let me know if you have any other question or doubt to clarify.I will be happy to assist you further.
Kind regards,