How Long Does It Take For The Injury Of The Knee Cap To Heal?
All the joint of the body contains fluid in to it.So is the knee joint.There are also various partitions in the knee joint.Fluid keeps moving from one to another. This fluid movement at time produces cracking sound.So it is likely the the click that you heard could shifting of fluid.
Now comes the pain part.There are times loose bodies in the knee joint and friction of it with other bones in the joint also produces clicking sound.When ever they are out of contact area means when bones slides and joint moves they do not come in contact they do not produce any pain.
But when there is pressure on them or in particular position when they come in contact with the moving bones they produces pain.
This description was given to your just to understand the mechanism of knee joint.
Another thing-there also something known as bursa,a type of cover which absorbed shocks and help in better movements.When ever there is inflammation of them,means whenever they come in regular pressure or some injury at times they become swollen and give rise to pain on pressure.
So in your case inflammation bursa (bursitis) is also possible.
So what you need to do is, avoid putting pressure on knee for some time, apply some ice or local analgesics over sore area which suits you and wait. In most of case the inflammation goes way when this care is taken. If pain is still there then only you need to take medicines for the same.
In case of loose body in the joint if it bother you much then you need x-ray and other investigation for the same. And ultimately that loose body can be removed. But I think you are not having that much difficulty right now should be fine with this.
Take care and feel free to ask if still something is not clear. I will try to solve your that query also.