Question: My daughter is 4 months and 20 days old. Yesterday she fell from the bed of around 3 feet height at 9.30 a.m, she cried for 10 minuts then she became normal but we found little swelling on left side just above ear on head. We rushed to hospital, at around 1 p.m they did
CT scan and found the following.
1) Undisplaced
fracture is noted in the left
parietal bone.
2) Thin extradural hemorrhage ~ 1-2 mm is noted in the left parietal region.
3) scalp swelling noted in the left parietal region.
4) Cerebal parenchyma appears normal with normal grey-white differentiation.
5) There is no evidence of space occupying lesion.
6) Bilateral lateral, third Ventricles appear normal.
7) No evidence of midline shift.
8) Brain stem and
cerebellum appear normal.
Fourth ventricle appears normal.
9) Fluid/ Hemorrhage noted in the left mastoid air cells
10) Visualised portion of the
paranasal sinuses and orbits appear normal.
These are the findings from CT scan. Till 7 p.m we were in hospital for observation the they discharged us saying that since there are no abnormal sympotms she requires only observation, if any symtoms occur we have to take her to the hospital. Now till 11.30 a.m today after 26 hours she looks normal except that she is not turning her head on the left side otherwise normal feeding, no
vomiting, nothing abormal seen since fall. My question is how much worrysome is this injury, Is this need any kind of treatment or will it heal at its own. How long we have to keep watch for symptoms imean when will she be safty zone ?