I Am 5'8" And 86 Kg. What Should Be The Ideal Weight And How To Reduce It?
Thanks for the query.
The weight according to your height should be 69 kg. However the desirable range is 65-73. According to your body mass index you are obese.
To lose weight rapidly, rapidly means 3-4 months, you will need some strict restrictions in diet and strict routine of aggressive physical exertion.
The diet modification includes avoiding carbohydrates and fats diets and increase intake of proteins. Use of fluids and water in increased diet. Low intake of wheat bread. Fish and chicken are harmless but when not fried in oil.
Physical exertion includes games which include frequent running like squash, basketball, football or badminton. Swimming is best of all. Regularity in these activities is the key
If you still have some query, feel free to ask.
Thanks for writing back.
It would be best if a specific diet plan is formulated for you by a dietician. I will make sure that the customer care team calls you and schedule a diet call.
Let me know if you have any other questions