Infant Cries At Nights, Consoles With Colic Acid. Can This Be Given On Regular Basis?

Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Colic can be one of the various causes why a baby could cry. There could be several other causes. A baby can cry just because he wants to be picked up.
The problem of colic can be reduced by burping after every feed. Put the baby on shoulder and tap him gently on the back so that a burp is produced. This requires some patience and takes around ten to fifteen minutes usually. This reduces the amount of gas that passes through the intestines reducing the pain of colic. Please do not give colimex drops on a regular basis. Give only as and when required. If your baby is gaining weight normally and active you need not worry regarding his health and this problem improves with time.
I am not just asking to change the formula but stop it altogether. Try and breast feed your baby.
A baby should be exclusively breast fed till 6 months of age. Breast feeding is important as this contains the right things required for the baby in right proportions at the right time. It is ideal for brain growth. Breast milk prevents various infections like loose motions, respiratory infections, etc.
Continue to ask further queries as required.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
Dr Y V Siva Sankara Murty
Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Thanks for your reply. However Its very unfortunate that I have no milk supply now if i want to Breast feed my baby. I am trying seroiusly though pumping every 3 hrs to restart my milk production. Having said that my baby will now thus will be exclusively on formula and currently he is on Zerolac for past 15 days. I believe Zerolac is not substitute for complete feed/nutrition needed by babies in my opinion. Is it so?
I have heard there are some organic infant formulas like "Earths best" in US that is closer to breast milk containing all the needed nutrients for a baby including DHA and ARA for brain and eye developement. I have placed an order through FedEx which will reach me in next 3-4 days. Can i try these?
More improtantly please advice if i can continue on zerolac meanwhile. I am worried my baby is not getting enough nutrients through Zerolac.
Pumping will help only if there is already milk flow. If the milk production has to be resumed baby sucking at the breast is required. This will help in prolactin secretion.
Yes no formula can replace breast feeding. You are absolutely right in this statement.
To be XXXXXXX enough I do not have practical experience with this earth's best. Only one general comment I can make. Any thing man made cannot be equated with that made by God or nature.
Since there is no breast milk that is available you can and should continue the formula. These formulas contain all the nutrients as required by the baby. (But definitely they are not to be substituted for breast feeding in a regular way or routinely)
Try and prepare the formula in a sterile way. Do not use a bottle but use a glass and a spoon.
Hope this helps.
Take care.

As to feeding through bottles, does it still hurt if I follow strict hygeine while preparing the feed, use a steriliser for cleaning and be careful to have the nipple end full of milk to control excess gas from being swallowed by the baby?. There are some good feeding bottles from companies like Avent and pigeon which will allow only milk when baby sucks and also allow only slow flow of milk.
Right now during day time feed I have switched to using Palada. However since he got used to bottle feed, he becomes irritable during feeding and cries for every new sip by palada. Not sure how good it is for baby to cry so much and take the feed.
Also Can I give my baby some Zincovite drops and Vitamin B12 syrup when on lactose free formula to ensure he gets some added nutrition?
If you are taking all those precautions strictly then it may not be harmful. But it is very difficult to maintain those precautions on a day to day basis. The corners etc of a bottle are difficult to clean. I understand that it is very difficult to feed using a glass and spoon or palada once a baby is used to feeding through a bottle.
Zincovit drops can be given as prescribed by your doctor.
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Hope this helps.
Take care.

My last follow up question atleast for now on this issue.
There is this Bonnisan syrup (Ayrurvedic) from Himalaya which is used by many to treat indigestion, gas and other colic issues for newborns and infants. Looks like it contains all natural ingredients and does not contain alcohol, sodium bicorbonate, chloroform and other sedatives. Is it ok to give this to my nearly 2 months old baby?
I understand colic issues gets subsided on its own when Baby reaches 3-4 months. But if the syrup can help, when not try this when it is made of all natural ingredeints and can stop crying of my baby due to abdominal discomfort.
Do continue to ask further queries and do not hesitate for the same.
I will be more than happy to answer them.
With out stating any names what I want to mention few points.
I would give my baby any medicine only if it is
1. Scientifically proven after randomized controlled studies that a particular medicine has got some value over certain placebo.
2. Several medicines crop up for several problems which normally subside by themselves. Several examples can be given for such problems.
3. Give only time tested syrups or tonics and not those that are heavily advertised. Any thing which is advertised a lot could be not really useful.
You may try that if are seeing a good improvement. But as far as my patients are concerned I simply tell them time will solve this problem and you need not worry about that.
Hope this helps.
Take care.

You have a bit of background about my kid from the chain of questions that we went through.
Please review below and suggest.
My Kid is right now 2 months old. He was on formula (dexolac/Nan) for first three months. Baby did well and has put on weight from 2.3 kgs to 3.5. However at the end of 3rd week (Co incidentally after i administered neopetine drops single dose), he started loose stools, bloating of stomach and continuous crying due to abdominal discomfort. So he was put of Soy formula Zerolac for 2 weeks and he settled on it well. After 2 weeks we did try one feed of milk based formula again and he immediately ( after an hour and a half) threw up the milk and started hiccups (type of hiccups one gets when cries inconsolabily. Here my baby wasn't crying though) loose stools and bloating of stomach (no vomits) and been admitted and is recovering now on soy formula well. There was no refusal of feeds. He was taking the feeds. Doctors were suspecting primary lactose intolerance. His "stool" for reducing substances test showed 1+ (Positive). I was asked not to try breast feed or any other lactose based formulas untill a year. However since lactose intolerance in infants is heard to be rare, one of the doctors advised to breast feed my baby once after going dairy free for a week and see if symptms resume to confirm if its cow milk allergy or lactose.
Please advise can some one develop lactose intolerance gradually because my kid was doing fine for first 3 weeks with no signs of loose motions and was putting on good weight?
Also what would be the adverse effects on my childs growth with this disorder?
What precautions can be taken so that the deficit from lactose can be covered for my kid as dairy products are good for bone development and healthy brain growth since eliminating these from his diet will make him not reach his milestones on time.
Secondary lactose intolerance can occur after a episode of loose motions etc.
You should always try to breast feed your baby and see if he has any problems. If he does not have any problems post breast feeding you should definitely continue to breast feed your baby. (Your doctor gave a right advise. Please try and breast feed. If he develops any problems you can always stop it.)
There will not be any problems if sufficient supplements and replacement diet is given. One can live a healthy life with out consuming milk if he makes sure that all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are taken in adequate amounts through other food substances.
The lactose free substitutes are equivalents of the milk and there will not be any delay in mile stones just because someone has only lactose free milk.
Hope this helps.
Take care.

My milk supply has resumed (though not major but there is a positive sign) post to your suggestion to keep latching my baby rather then using a pump. However now that i was advised to not to breast feed my baby for a week so that i can be on dairy free diet before i try to breast feed him again. I donot want to loose the milk. Are there any injections that can boost my milk supply. I am sure there should be some. I tried lactare a week before.
Metoclopramide tablet used as prescribed by your doctor will help in maintaining lactation. There is no need for any injections.
Infact sucking at the breast (which may even be done by your husband) will stimulate milk production and maintain milk production because of the hormone prolactin that is produced. Unless he has some fungal infection in his mouth this can be done and it is a natural way of stimulating milk production.
Hope this helps.
Continue to ask further queries as required.

I just could see lot of information online as to how infants who would be fed exclusively on soy formula will have long term effects. Looks like dietary soy isoflavones may adversely affect human development, reproduction, or endocrine function." Also they have high levels of estrogens which may not be good for a baby boy.
so why do doctors suggest this then for infants of so younger age when there are other hypoallergenic formulas (for lactose or cow milk allergy) that are better than soy formula for babies?
What ever is human made is always inferior to what is given by nature. Most of them have some side effects or the other. If a side effect or problem associated is not found today it may be found later.
So it is always best to stick to time tested nature provided things. (What ever may be the scenario this holds good)
So try and revert back to breast feeding for your baby.
Take care.

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