Is Consumption Of Wine Advisable While On Seroxat For Depression?
Thanks for your time!
Best not to drink alcohol while on an SSRI antidepressant.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
It is generally not advised to combine an SSRI antidepressant (which paroxetine is) with alcohol.
The two can have additive effects causing decreased alertness, impaired judgement, and dizziness.
Alcohol can add to depression and anxiety but it sounds as though that is less of an issue now.
My main concern is that you are on Nexium which tells me you have had some stomach troubles, and the combination of SSRI plus alcohol can be irritating to the stomach lining. (Even if not taken at the same time.)
If you do drink alcohol, best to limit it to no more than 1 drink in 24 hours.
While the paroxetine is now at a "steady state" in your blood stream, meaning there is approximately the same amount of it in your blood at all times, there will be somewhat of a higher concentration after you take each dose. So best to not drink any alcohol within a few hours of the paroxetine.
The bromazepam should be out of your system now, so that is not a concern.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.