Is Frequent Urination During Winters Normal?
My age is 33 Male.My problem is that i urinate alot almost like 8 to 10times. This happens to me in this half of the year (july to dec). In summer i hardly urinate about 4 to 5 times. is this normal?. After i urinate i drink atleast 2 glass of water every time and i feel like urinating after 1 to 1.5 hour. If i drink little less than this then i try to urinate lately say around 2 hours. I would like to know if this is normal or not. My place is a hot place in summers it temperature goes upto 49c and winters it goes upto 20c. I tried to check my blood sugar levels at home using accu check it and last time when i cross checked in the lab there was about 25 difference and so if i took that calculation it is around 88 which is fasting blood glucose and so i am not diabetic. so why do i frequently urinate. is there any issue with this or is there any issue with my galbadder or urinary tract infection. or is this normal in this half of the year (july to dec) . i do mastrubate regulary. is this a consurne please do help me and advise me. thank u
Absolutely normal.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your an elucidate history.
This is absolutely normal.
Your habit of drinking 2 glass of water is indeed a good one. Any amount of water in any form will be absorbed by the intestines and enters the blood stream. Kidney by its main function of removing excess of water from the blood and body will excrete it in the form of kidney.
Since in July to December the excretion of water by means of sweat and through the lungs will reduce drastically due to weather changes, the extra load will be removed by the kidneys. This will get accumulated ( stored ) into the urinary bladder which has its own capacity. You will get the feeling to urinate the moment the bladder is filled to its capacity and you will get a sensation to pass urine.
A bit reverse occurs in other months that is from January to XXXXXXX The amount excreted by the body through sweat and respiration is increased so the load on the kidneys is reduced so you get less urine, so less frequency.
I hope this answer satisfies you.
You are not diabetic so nothing to worry about this part.
Masturbation has no concern with this normal natural homeostatic (balancing) phenomenon.
Just forget about this as this is 100 % normal and proves everything is absolutely normal.