Is It Ok To Try For Conception With A Boil On Skin Of Penis With Possible Blood Discharge ?
Thanks for writing to us.
If the boil that you are having are not associated with any kind of pain or discharge then it might be due to friction or fungal infection. You can apply a local antiseptic and antifungal ointment to have relief.
Other possibilities are-
1.Dermatitis- caused by infections, allergies, and irritants (such as soaps, certain creams).Lesions are usually in the form of itchy small red bumps.
When become white headed, it may indicate a secondary bacterial infection and formation of pus.
2.Herpes simplex - Genital herpes is a very common disease caused by herpes virus type2. It results in small, very painful blisters (fluid is inside the lesion), genital irritation, itching, they burst into the sores turns into crust, that scab
and heal in about 3 weeks.
Special tests include:
Blood tests, Microscopic examination of tissue scrap from lesions, Viral cell culture test
Direct clinical examination is essential to rule out the above conditions.
You can wait for sometime till it resolves before indulging in sexual activities as the infection will be transmitted to your partner also.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.