Is It Safe To Take Breast Enhancement Pill?
When I research online, there is a lot of women who give positive feedback on it, but I am skeptical about it still.
Thanks for the query.
There is lot of excitement in females regarding the use of breast enhancing pills but frankly speaking, one must avoid them.
They appear to increase the size of breasts but it looks that probably it is all due to some natural occurring female hormone, like estrogen in them.
Estrogen may increase the size of breast marginally as the birth control pills do.
So if it is actually due to some herbal or natural estrogen in these pills, then they are very XXXXXXX as it can cause increase in uterus muscle size and may cause uterine cancer in future.
My advice to you is simple. Stay away from it.
If you are really interested in getting the breast work done, then get it done surgically.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.