Itching In Clitoris When Using Tight Clothes, No Swelling, Taken Antibiotic Injection. Is It STD?
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Persistent itching of genital organs ( clitoris, vagina, vulva, etc.. ) have multiple causes. Can be involved body fluids ( vaginal discharge, urine drops ) , external irritants like perfumes, soaps, lotions, lubricants ,etc.. associated with tight fitting occlusive clothes. Also persistent itching can appear due to hormonal imbalance and infectious factor ( bacterial, fungi ). At this stage I would advice you avoidance of sexual intercourse for few days, choose carefully body lotion, soaps, etc.., sitz bath with sodium bicarbonate, topical local corticosteroids ( hydrocortisone ) or triamcinolone locally .Topical medication can be applied to the vulva but not into vagina, oral antihistamines like Loratadine or Benadryl may help. If after above measures itching will persist or will appear vaginal discharge, then you need laboratory investigations : pH test, saline wet mount ( microscopic exam) , Whiff test ( with KOH solutions ), urine analysis, culture ( testing for chlamidia, gonorrhea, trichomona ).
Hope this helps and I have answered your query.If you have additional queries don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,
But still I have questions; Discharge is normal till now. Might be as you mentioned because of soaps or lotions.
So I need bath with sodium bicarbonate, topical local corticosteroids ( hydrocortisone ) or triamcinolone which is available in medical shops?
What kind of ointment can be used to apply over vulva?
Is there any chance for PINWORM playing some kind of role to cause this itching?
I have shaved my vulva and hairs are blunt; which causes for the irritation
Kindly suggest if the above medication will be fine to use or should I be switch to some other?
If you have not any abnormal discharge , then this is good sign. In such case may be involved infectious factor like vulvovaginal candidiasis ( yeast infection) or non infectious factors , external irritants ( soap, lotion, etc. ). Shaving also can cause itching and irritation, you have to use new razors and shaving gel preferable with aloe vera , glycerine, or preferable skip shaving for some period of time until end of treatment. Regarding treatment: warm sitz baths (with baking soda); following creams can be apply to the vulva- Hydrocortisone 1 % cream, or Triamcinolone ointment 0,1 % ; oral antihistamines tablets like Loratadine or Benadryl . All above medicines will help and are available over the counter and you can get them in nearest pharmacy.
Pinworm is intestinal worm infestation and you must experience anal and perianal itching predominant, less vaginal itching , almost no clitoral, abdominal pain, insomnia , restlessness, so is not in your case.
Hope this helps and I have answered your query.If you have additional queries don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,