Itchy Vagina, Tender, Red Bump, Full Of Blood, Painful
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some good information and recommendations regarding what is going on.
Let me first provide you with what I believe is going on. You might be experiencing what is called a 'Bartholin's cyst'. This is a small cyst which can develop inside the vagina. This cyst occurs in a tiny gland which secretes lubricant type of fluid in a vagina. On occasion this gland can become clogged. Then with clogging it can create an inflammatory response with more swelling and some discomfort.
As far as what I would recommend, I think you should start first by doing some warm baths three times per day for the next 3 to 5 days. Soaking in a warm bath will help decrease the inflammation and will help the system possibly open and drain. Occasionally if this is becomes more painful or bothersome you may need to see your doctor who can make a tiny incision and drain the fluid.
What you're describing is not a sexually transmitted infection and it is not life-threatening or worrisome. I recommend you to do what I have advised and if the symptoms do not improve within three or four days you might make an appointment with your doctor for an examination.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope my response has served to be helpful informative and reassuring. If you have any additional questions I am always here for you.
Dr. Robert.