Multiple Sclerosis,ear Pressure,numb,sinus Pressure,anxiety
Also, I'm not sure if it's related but I've been feeling extremely anxious in the past few weeks and had several panic attacks (no real prior history of panic attacks)Thanks!
Thanks for writing to us.
The numbness of ear spreading to one side of the face with stuffy head and ringing in the ears with no nasal discharge or cough and cold symptoms does not seem to be due to sinus pressure.
In case of sinus pressure numbness of one half of face is not expected and ringing in ears is rare.
Still you can try steam inhalation - Take hot water in a vessel, put eucalyptus oil in it. Inhale it by covering yourself with a blanket. See to it that fans/AC are not on during this and after some time also i.e. around 10-15 minutes. Do this at least thrice daily and see if the symptoms are relieved.
Ringing in the ears can also happen due to impacted wax. Clean your ears after instilling a few drops of olive oil in your ear canal.
If these measures do not improve your symptoms then it is most probably multiple sclerosis and you again need to have steroids after consulting your physician.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.
Wishing you good health.