Occasional Migraine Like Headaches, Numbness, Tingling Around Eyes And Forehead, Pain In Upper Neck. What Do Symptoms Signify ?
My eyes feel difficult to move up and down left and right (optlamologist exam showed no issues with retina, optical nerve or eye pressure). I also experience the pain in the upper neck. lately pain in and and around eye areas intensifies and creates headaches
Migraine headache can cause various other symptoms like neck pain, pain around the eyes, numbness of the face and neck and so on. But if you have other symptoms like redness in the eyes, watering from the eyes, nasal discharge, small eyes during the headache, we have to think of other causes of headache like cluster headache.
I personally feel you may be suffering from advanced Migraine and you may have to be on medications to prevent it from becoming more serious in the future. If you have any of the additional features described by me earlier please let me know about them. I would also like to know the medications tried by you for the migraine in the past. Please also let me know if you have any tests done for migraine. I will be in a better position to suggest with these details.
Awaiting your response.
Take care.