Palpitation, Sweating, Fatigue, Chest Pain. Tested Positive For MVP And Negative Little Later. Can MVP Go Away?
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MVP should be confirmed or excluded by an ECHOcardiogram. It is a little more of the valve tissue and not likely to go away...The murmur need not always be audible – for example it may be heard while sitting (less volume) / not on lying!
The pain is probably from the chest wall muscles... the description does not fit coronary artery disease..
So also, palpitation may or may not be related to this... Salbutamol or Salmeterol used for asthma may be responsible... Anaemia / Anxiety / Alcohol / Thyroid / Tobacco (smoking) / Caffeine (too much coffee, cola) / Medicines like Phenylephrine used for ‘cold’ / Illicit ‘drugs’ like Amphetamine are notorious to cause abnormal beats. At times, abnormal nerve paths in the heart (bypass tracts) are responsible!
EKG / HOLTER (24 to 48 hour ambulatory monitoring) / ECHOcardiogram / TMT (Treadmill exercise ECG) / LABORATORY work-up – may all be necessary for further assessment and assistance.
Discuss with your doctor...The treating doctor may suggest them depending on need, based on his assessment of the situation.
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck