Resurfacing Lower Back Sprain After Curing It Few Days Ago. Should I See A Physiotherapist?
I am Dr.Omer, and I am here to help you with your query
Thanks for the query
All your symptoms you have described lower back pain , pain is severe but temporary relief from ibuprofen , difficult to sleep and do any activity lead to acute sciatica or lumbar radiculopathy OR more commonly known as lower back pain in the degenerative disc areas that is L3,L4,L5,S1 area leading to lumbar stenosis , that causes severe pain in almost any posture you make, triggered by lifting heavy objects .
Your pain right now is due to nerves compression in your lower back due to mis alignment of vertebras (disk herniation) then there is reactionary muscle spasms of the surrounding areas
You need to go to ER as following therapies exist for acute severe lower back pain(lumbar radiculopathy)
Analgesics ,NSAIDS but are short acting , but you will require opioids to relief the pain
Muscle relaxant ( tizanidine ) to relieve the muscle spasm
IF above fails then an injection in your back known as steroid epidural injection
Get an x-ray lower back just to confirm
Don’t worry you will be fine , just follow what i said , and your pain will go away
Take care