Severe Lower Back Pain After Excessive Physical Activity. No Injury. Causes?
Thanks for your query.
As you have not had much physical activity from 6 years, then in such a situation when you suddenly exert more you tend to get muscle sprain as the muscle tone and reflex is reduced(as pertaining to the sports).
Since you got injury while playing cricket, it is more likely to be a muscle sprain or a pull (as you did not have a fall).
Muscle sprain cause breaking of microfibers of the muscle so there is XXXXXXX inflammation so it needs treatment with anti-inflammatory and rest to the affected part.
Taking rest and medicine help to stop the pain and help repair the inflammatory changes.
There are few questions I need to ask:-
-Since how many days you are having this pain in back?
-Did you take rest, treatment, or consulted a doctor?
-Is the pain increasing or decreasing?
-Is the pain severe in a particular position?
Please write back with these answers and if any other query too, so that I will be able to help you better.
Take care.
i have the pain since 1 month
-Did you take rest, treatment, or consulted a doctor?
i did not take rest or consult a doctor or took treatment
-Is the pain increasing or decreasing?
when i walk around i dont feel pain , it is there during sitting and sleeping
-Is the pain severe in a particular position?
in some positions its more in some positions its less
Thanks for reverting back.
If you have pain since a month that is a bit longer duration and you should have consulted a doctor.
Many of the sprains get better with simple treatments like:-
-Hot fomentation,
-Simple over the counter pain killer medicines like Brufen can help. You can try with NISE gel.
Now if your pain has not been relieved in a month then it is probably a muscle spasm which is not getting relieved as you are not taking rest and even medicine.
It is better for you to consult a doctor in person and get examined. The doctor will examine you and if needed advise a X-ray of the spine(back). Accordingly he will prescribe the needed medicine (pain killer and muscle relaxant) and you should feel better.
Also you need to take rest and use hot fomentations (it will help you recover faster).
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept this answer in case you don't have any further queries.
Wishing you good health.