Started Bleeding Heavily. Noticed Fibrous Material In Blood. What Could Be That Discharge?
Menopause is defined as no period for 12 months, and occurs on average around age 51-52. If she meets the definition for menopause, then this is considered an episode of "post-menopausal bleeding". The blood produce can produce a darkish brown discharge and old blood can actually look like "tissue". Here is what absolutely needs to happen:
1. Do not panic, you have taken the first step towards an answer
2. She needs to make an appointment with her OB/GYN
3. At that visit, she needs an exam AND an endometrial biopsy - to evaluate for pre-cancerous changes
4. She needs an ultrasound to evaluate for thickening of the uterine lining that might indicate a polyp, for example
5. She might need a D&C if the bleeding continues despite the above evaluation and steps towards reassurance
I hope this answered your question. If you have additional questions, please ask. If we are finished, please leave feedback for me! Good luck!!